New Chairman & Office
Pengiran Haji Haris Bin Pengiran Haji Duraman, Riza Group of Companies cum Chairman BDBEBC was appointed as the new Chairman of the BDBEBC in April 2020, taking over from Pengiran Haji Yura Kesteria bin PSN Pengiran Dr haji Muhammad Yusuf. Riza Group of Companies No 13 &14, Simpang271, Kg lambak Berakas BB1314 is currently the temporary office of the Chairman and Secretariat of BDBEBC.
From a broader BIMP-EAGA viewpoint, the coordinating body, the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) has told the Chairman that the BEBC EAGA Chairmanship will be handed over to BD for a three- year term beginning in 2021. This means that 2021 will be a busy year for BD to chair all BEBC-related meetings at the Senior Officials Meetings (SOM) and the Summit of BIMP-EAGA Leaders, scheduled for October or November 2021.

BIMP-EAGA, as we all know, occupies 1.6 million square kilometers (or 62.4 percent of the total BIMP) and has a combined population of nearly 76 million people (or 19 percent of the total).
However, the EAGA’s growth area, which is rich in natural resources, only accounts for 17-18% of the total Gross Domestic Product and 11-12% of total trade of the four member countries (BIMP).
As a result, the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 has been established to achieve a Resilient, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Economically Competitive (R.I.S.E.) growth area by enhancing cooperation in five strategic pillars, namely Connectivity, Food Basket, Tourism, Environment and Socio-cultural & Education.
The BDBEBC acknowledges the wide variety of possibilities available in BIMP-EAGA while discussing the way forward. We have decided to concentrate on a few clusters in the short term, namely Food Basket, ICT Connectivity, and Tourism, taking into account the goals of BEV2025 and the current capabilities of BDBEBC. The emphasis on the industry cluster is also in line with the industries or activities already defined in the BEB2025 and MTIC Strategic Plan 2025 to achieve the Brunei Vision 2035.Without the strong commitment of the appointed members and the continued support of the government, especially MOFE as the coordinating agency of BIMP-EAGA and other relevant stakeholders, none of BDBEBC’s planned projects will be successful.
On this occasion, I’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Excellencies the Ambassadors and High Commissioners who are directly related to BIMP-EAGA for their hospitality and willingness to work together to grow the region’s potential and create a network of traders and business leaders in their respective sub-regions.
For shared interest in the growth of BIMP-EAGA and beyond, the BDBEBC will continue deliberations and hold meetings with relevant stakeholders on related issues.