Virtual BIMP-EAGA Mini Strategic Planning Meeting SMEDWG . This virtual meeting was held at DARe, as the facilitating agency, headed by Siti Mahmud. The Chairman, Mr. Romeo Castanaga of the Philippines, delivered the mid-term analysis of the BIMP-EAGA, followed by a presentation on the 2021 deliverables by the Head of Member Countries, an update of the preparation of the implementation plan and a rolling project plan (RPoP) 2020-2022.

Few possible convergence projects have been addressed under the SMEDWG, namely involvement of SMEs in the supply/value chain corridor (Sector3) and promotion of e-commerce at sub-regional level (ICT Sector Strategy2) and HRD in ICT(Strategic Priority 3). The afternoon’s session, co-ordinated by ADB, was spent on deliberating SWOT